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 Group Exhibition "Künstler für TORUS"

Group Exhibition "Künstler für TORUS"

Group Exhibition "Künstler für TORUS" - opening April 15, 2016, 19:00h, Rathaus Siegburg.

5 local artists show their work in favor of initiative TORUS e.V..

5 Künstler aus der Region stellen ihre Arbeiten zu Gunsten der Initiative TORUS e.V. aus.

A part of the profit from the sale of the works will go directly to TORUS e.V. and to support the work of the association. Volker Groß, moderator at Radio Bonn / Rhein-Sieg, will be the ambassador of the event and the host of the evening. Siegburg Town-Mayor Franz Huhn will speak a greeting to open the exhibition.

More about the Initiative TORUS e.V. is to be found on the website of the association: (website in German)

What am I going to show there?

For this exhibition I decided to show some of my work in large formats. The Pictures have been printed on canvas material in 80x120 cm. They are recent works, many of which have been made during my stays in Stockholm. The light of the North - and the twilight there - are very fascinating to me. Here are some pictures that will be on display in Siegburg:
Klocktornet - Glockenturm - Eingang zum Stockholmer Olympiastadion, 2015
Klocktornet - Bell Tower - entrance of the Stockholm olympic stadium, 2015
Valhallagrill - Valhallavägen, Stockholm. Nachtstimmung im Spätherbst.
Valhallagrill - Valhallavägen, Stockholm. Night mood in late autumn.
Saab 96 mit US-Kennzeichen in rostrot.
Saab 96 with american plates in rusty red.
Brandung und Promenade
Waves and promenade
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